
Friday, January 31, 2020

The 12 Kits of Occasions - January 2020 'Leftovers'

Happy New Year!! This is our first 12 Kits of Occasions post of the new welcome! This month we are changing it up just a bit. There is no inspiring kit photo, or actually, any kit at all. That's because, for the month of January, the crew of the 12 Kits of Occasions will be celebrating with a 'LEFTOVER' month! 
Goodness knows that will all the gorgeous kits that we exchange with each other there are frequently  many things that go unused (I almost always save those lovely bits!). SO, this month we are digging through those patterned papers, die cuts and stamped sentiments/images to create some fun new cards.
We are fortunate to have some of our alumni designers playing along with us this month using their leftovers too. However, we are sad to be saying 'goodbye' to a few members of our design team - Lisa Elton, Lindsey Larson and Kara Lynne Pogreba. We hope to see them back again as guest designers...... but, for now, we are bidding them a fond adieu!
P.S. - A happy 'hello' to Kelly Schirmer, a former DT member who will be re-joining us! I am quite excited about this addition as Kelly lives just a few miles down the road (and we enjoy frequent crafty get togethers!). Welcome back, Kelly!!

All of the cards above were created from Jeanne Jachna's May 2019 Kit!!


  1. You've got lots of great cards using the leftovers from Jeanne's kit Michelle. Each one is fabulous! Wasn't it fun digging back through the previous kits? "Leftover month" is just what we needed.

  2. Michelle , love your intro . You and Kelly are so lucky to be so close and to have many craft days. I am about 2 1/2 half hours from Joyce and she very kindly asks me often to her house to craft, hard to do sometimes as its over 5 hours of driving. ( so much fun when I can make it)
    Love the colors you went with for most of your beautiful cards. I am sure you still have tons of leftover like me. This was so fun to do .
    Happy weekend to you!

  3. Leftovers never looked so good Michelle! It was fun to dig back through those bits and pieces wasn't it. These are all marvelous, as they always are! How fun that you and Kelly live so close with her rejoining the team. Can't wait to see what you girls have in store for us this year!

  4. Oh my...just love your sweet cards, just fabulous! How fun to live so close to Kelly, can't wait to see what you two create together!

  5. What a wonderful group of cards, Michelle! I love how you focused on one of the kits and just went to town! I loved that kit too!

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