
Thursday, June 20, 2019

CAS(E) this Sketch #327

Happy Thursday and welcome to CTS #327! Donna Mikasa has designed a beautiful one to inspire a bit of creativity. And..... don't forget to take a peek at all of the fabulous DT projects too!
Well, clearly I didn't get the placement quite right, but the sketch idea is there..... and once all of the clouds and rain (flood warnings!!) move on I am going to re-do this one (maybe in a plethora of colors)! Lots of white, with a subtle gray plaid,  pops of green and yellow and that beautiful frame help to create this 'hello friend' greeting.
We hope that you'll be joining in and adding to the always fabulous CTS gallery. Can't wait to see your creation!

Supplies Graphic


  1. Beautiful! Love the limited colour palette, Jo x

  2. Beautiful.

  3. What I have to say is : "Close Enough!" No need to re-do; the color palette and design are lovely!

  4. Wonderful design Michelle, this is pretty!
